Masterclass: A Secret Cinema
“Life is always spectral, my life is always spectral, and in the trace is always life.”
- Akira Mizuta Lippit on Jacques Derrida
This masterclass will explore the idea of the Specter who is at the same time both visible and invisible.
Perhaps haunting.
Both biographical and autobiographical.
The Specter is arrived at from elsewhere, an outside, and all the while remains secret.
The eye / I, the narrating Specter, reflection, and self-reflection are all components of the workshop. The theme is inspired by an essay titled Derrida, Specters, Self-Reflection by Akira Mizuta Lippit in which Life, Spectrality, and Autobiography are outlined as the elements of a secret cinema (and Derrida himself).
The workshop will dissect these elements to lean into the secret, and explore questions of dream logic and the mythical in my moving image work. It will include some of my short films as well as a screening of Gaàda, a "process" film assembled from footage I gathered in pre-production for my film Aleph.
With love,
--Iva Radivojević, Lesbos, July 2022